Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cold 5K

Well, today I ran a 5k with the local running club.  Holy cow! It was soooooo cold.  22 deg to be exact.  and, windy..and, hilly....enough complaining right!

Actually, I felt pretty good after the first mile.  I thought I would improve my time a little from the last 5k but actually was about the same time.  32:35.  What can I say.  Slow and steady.  I, of course am not training like I was all of last year, so I have lost some ground.  I need to kick it in though, as the Apple Blossom 10 k is coming and I want to either do another half marathon or the Disney marathon this January.  

Wore my new Nike's.  I am so happy to have found them.

I can not believe I have turned into someone that would get out in the cold to run a silly 5k.  I think it is a change for the good though.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nice 3 miles

Ran tonight after 12 hour shift with Tisa.  It felt pretty good but my legs were dragging some.  We did total of 3.5 miles with running for 3.  So, we discussed the upcoming Shamrock marathon which was to be our next goal.  We have not been training at all,  but I may have a plan to get us there if Tisa is willing.  I think we could push a little and do an 8-9 week training plan.  We can definitely run 5 miles to start this weekend and then increase 1.5 miles per weekend for long runs.  We should just make the 1/2.  It seems quite lofty, so I am not sure if we can or should train like that. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Nike 'Triax+ 11' Running Shoe (Women)
Found my shoe!!!!! Finally found the Nike shoes I have been wanting.  Found them yesterday at the Nike outlet.  Now I can keep my nike plus sportband and hopefully get back to logging those miles.  

I also went snow tubing with Hannah and her youth group.  We had a 2 hour ticket, but most of the preteen/teen girls gave out after about 70 min.  Wimps.  It was about 25 deg and some flurries.  White Tail has a nice place.  I want to take the whole freak fest and the Doug back before the winter is over.  

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Year...New Me?

    The Freak Fest plus their new cousins, Ella and Blake Morrison

I can't believe it has been over a month since I posted.  My life has been in some sort of crazy holding pattern.....I think.   My workouts are off and not as many, my eating is terrible--way too much snacking, my house is messy, I have been sick and passed it to the little man......

I need a fresh start it would seem.  Initially, I had a goal of a 8k/half marathon challenge in March.  I have not been able to stick to a plan thus far to begin to training for this lofty goal.  

Last week, I ran in a 5k locally.  Ran 32:24 which is not too bad, but it is in the wrong direction since I really want to try to break the 30 min mark.

I have also been having issues with shoes.  The hubby bought me a new pair of Nike running shoes for Christmas but the sales person at the mall led him astray from a proper stability shoe.  So, I found myself making a return.  Next I ordered a pair from, similar to my current pair (which I love and they are discontinuing).  Not the right shoe, remotely.  Sent those back.....Then, found a pair like my current ones but different color.  Again, not the right fit.  Sent those back today and ordered asics.  I really wanted Nikes to use my Nike sport band but am frustrated by the lack of places that sell Nikes locally.  I should not have to drive to get them.  Ughhhhh!  I have a trip to Richmond this weekend with my sister and will give it one more try to find the right fit and if not, then I am selling the sport band on ebay.

My lofty plan for tomorrow is to get up and attend a spinning class at 05:45 at the wellness center.  Wish me luck.