Thought this was a funny shot of me and the hubby! Photo booth is not just for kids!

My new favorite place is the Wellness center at the hospital. I am enjoying the classes, the availibility, and the amenities, etc. So far I have used the indoor track, the eliptical, the steam room, sauna, and I have taken a few classes. I have also gone through the weight circuit a few times. Hannah and Doug have also been a few times with Hannah enjoying it the most. It is funny to watch her run 1/2 mile on the track and feel like she is dying. She basically flitters from the eliptical, to the track and the to the pool for laps. I know that right now she is experimenting with new activities and hopefully she will see that physical fitness can be fun and a lifelong adventure. Here is a link for the wellness center and you can take a virtual tour. Wellness Center
Today I am feeling it the most. Yesterday I took a Total Toning class. It most resembles body pump routines I did at Gold's Gym a few years ago. Holy cow, I think every muscle in my body hurts today. It is a good kind of hurt though. I know I challenged myself.
Lately on the running front, I have traded a few runs for stints at the gym. I have tried to squeeze in a weekly long run with Tisa. We have been doing 10 miles at a time. Hard to believe we can do this. Never in a million years did I think I could run 10 miles--double digits--as we call them. Tisa is keeping up great with the foot issues. She is now in love with her othodic and I am still coveting her shoes :)
Karen sent me a great gift recently. I have been wanting a road I.D. and was also coveting hers. So, she broke down and sent me one. It is a great product for anyone running alone or on open roads. Check out the website....Road
So this coveting this is a problem for me, obviously with the shoes and the road i.d. I will try to work on this, but I have to admit I am a gadget girl and shoe girl. Can't help myself.
Love those body pump classes! They really work!
Hey, saw your blog linked to somebody else's.. Congratulations for being able to run with your hands full of wonderful kids... Mine are grown ups now...!!!
lizzie lee
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